Taylors virtual vision ensures research success
The challenge
As everyone knows, redesigning the packaging of an established brand is fraught with difficulty. Too extreme a redesign and you run the risk of shoppers not recognising their favourite products, resulting in a drop in sales. Too subtle, and the packaging doesn’t look refreshed and new shoppers aren’t encouraged into the brand which restricts future growth.
This is the challenge that faced the team at Taylors of Harrogate.
When a brand undertakes a redesign, the first step is typically to put the packaging into some form of research and this is exactly what the team at Taylors of Harrogate did with their roast and ground coffee and speciality tea range.
The approach
The chosen approach was on-line, showing shoppers visuals of the display. The issue that Taylors faced was how to present the new designs at the best quality possible.
It was at this point that Sodalite Creative were contacted.
Paula Goude, Category Manager at Taylors said
“I was aware of Sodalite’s capabilities in virtual reality and thought that their expertise would be ideal for presenting a realistic shelf image ready for research. Realism is paramount if you want to get a true reflection of a product’s impact on a shopper.”
Sodalite Creative set to work creating three-dimensional models of the roast and ground range in all of the major multiples. When the Taylors team saw the quality of the displays they quickly commissioned the same approach for the tea category too.
Tony Jerodiaconou, Managing Director for Sodalite Creative said
“Many of our clients want flat imagery to communicate their category visions. This is a very cost effective approach but for Taylors we needed to ensure maximum quality so the team spent many hours modelling each product individually to ensure maximum quality was maintained. So fastidious was the work that retailer specific shelf edge labels were also created”.

The result
The result of this approach was a display that is hard to differentiate from a real fixture in store.
The research has now been completed and the team are waiting for results before moving to the next stage of the redesign.
It is clear that high quality visuals are vital for clear communication to shoppers. Sodalite Creative’s virtual reality displays allowed Taylors to offer their shoppers the best quality visuals which means that they will get the best possible results from the research which can only be good news for the brand.